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Himem.sys Dos

6.Add the following lines to your Config.sys file to add a menu to your Config.sys and boot loading: MENU MENUITEM STARTUP, Basic Startup MENUITEM NETWORK, Network StartThis displays a menu on startup with the items Startup and Network. Farther down in the file, type 'STARTUP' along with any commands to run under that item, such as the basic configuration in the previous example, which enables you to specify commands for the various Config.sys configurations based on your needs. See Resources for more Config.sys options.

Himem.sys dos angeles

Himem.sys Dos Completa

DOS Command: DOSDOSThe description below is from the bookby Everett Murdock Ph.D.for information about downloading the book.Type: Internal (5.0 and later)Syntax:DOS=high low,umb noumbPurpose: Used in the CONFIG.SYS file to specify the memorylocation for DOS. It is used to load DOS into the upper memory areaand to specify whether or not the upper memory blocks will be used.DiscussionWhenever you use the DOS command in your CONFIG.SYS file, you mustprovide at least one option with it. If you want to include morethan one option, you separate them with commas. You must load anextended memory manager such as HIMEM.SYS in your CONFIG.SYS filebefore you can use the DOS=high command option.For more information about the DOS command, see Chapter 6, Tips for Advanced Users, in the downloadable bookhigh low Tells DOS whether to load itself into high memory (high)or conventional memory (low).